It doesn't really matter whether you want to write songs for music publishers, movie sound tracks, theme songs, or you want to record them yourself. Below are ways to write songs that will keep your audience captivated from the very first word to the last and pass your message effectively.
(1) find a suitable title: the title should be a phrase that contains the overall body of your song. Try using a word that represents the idea you want to pass across.
(2) Organise your thoughts: note down any piece of idea that comes that your mind.
(3) Decide on what pattern to use: Nowadays singers choose to write their songs in these pattern; 1st verse-chorus - 2nd verse - chorus - bridge- chorus. A bridge should be captivating, its the climax of the song. Others choose to start with chorus or pre-chorus before their first verse.
(4) find the melody: after writing the chorus, say it out while exaggerating the emotion. Try to notice the natural rhythm and melody, repeat it until it feels comfortable and natural and record it on iPad or iPhone so as not to forget.
(5) create a connection between your verse and chorus: after writing a verse and chorus, you need to link them effectively by creating a smooth transition. Usually the chorus melody is in higher pitch because as you sing, you get more emotional and when you're emotional you tend to raise your voice higher. In order to create smooth transition, you any have to raise or lower the last line of of your first verse and the first line of the chorus and so.. On.
ADDITIONAL TIPS. Have a clear idea of the of the message you you want to pass across, or what your inspiration is before you set out. Don't lie about how you feel and keep it simple. All the best!
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